[Tango-A] NA-C: "Opposites Attract" - practica w expert instruction - expands Sunday, Jan. 20 in Chicago at Cafe Duvall

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 13:37:21 EST 2008

 What  YOU  have  been  seeking continues  Sunday,  January  13,  2008  –  an  informal,  friendly  place  to practice and improve  YOUR  Argentine  tango. 

  Phoebe  J.  Grant  &  Jacquline  Cahill  hostess  "Opposites  Attract"  -  a  practica  -  between  3:00-6:00  p  at  Café  Duvall  (2257  W  23rd  Place,  Chicago,  60608)  on  this  and each  Sunday  going  forward.  Cover  for  the  3  hour  practica  is  $10  per  person (or  $8  with  advance  reservation   prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the practica with either Phoebe or Jacqui or by signing up at the Cafe). Discount packages for multiple attendances are now available: $30 for 4 or $35 for 5 (either valid for 2 months) or $55 for 8 (valid for 3 months). 

    Phoebe, founder of WindyCityTango, Unlimited, will be ‘at foot’ to provide instruction based on her 8 years of dedicated & exclusive study of Argentine Tango with world-reknown instructors in Buenos Aires and throughout the US. A seasoned tanguera, she is adept with initiating basic beginners to perfecting performing professionals.  

Sunday, Jan. 20 is a perfect afternoon to join us for the Opposites Attract practica at Café Duvall …  Not only has pre-registration already doubledd vs. the premier practica, but also - for the final week - Tango Reaction’s Sunday (and Wednesday) milongas (hosted by Somer Surgit & Agape Pappas) will be danced at American Tango Institute. ATI (325 N. Hoyne at Carroll St.) is in proximity to Café Duvall. For information on Somer & Agape’s milongas, visit www.tangoreaction.com, write agape at tangoreaction.com or call 773-807-5704. 

     Opposites  Attract  is  designed  to  enable  YOU  to  improve  YOUR  technique  and  confidence  for  social dancing  of  Argentine  tango.  A  partner  is  NOT  required,  altho’  YOU  may come and/or  practice  with  a  particular  person.  There  will  NOT  be  an  organized  class  but there  will  be  instruction  available  at  YOUR  request.  Opposites Attract  will  provide  a  non-gender  specific  friendly  environment  (i.e., men  and  women  each  may  either  lead  or  follow),  but  of  course  YOU  are welcome  to maintain  traditional  roles.  Opposites  Attract  …  as  in  “Women  are  from  Venus,  Men  are  from  Mars”©  but the  two  entwine  in  the  embrace  of  Argentine  Tango.   Music  (clean, fresh  orchestrations  primarily  of traditional compositions  plus  a  ‘musicality’ selection)  will  be  played  in  longer  sets  of  tango,  vals  &  milonga  songs  rather  than  in  tanda/cortina  format  to  enable
  concentration  of  effort  for  each particular  style. 

  Café  Duvall  (773-376-8760)  features  Lavazza  coffees  and  other  beverages  as  well  as  a  limited  light  menu  of excellent  and  inexpensive food - including vegetarian options.  (Also,  a  TV  will  be  on  available  to keep  tabs  on  your  favorite  sports  team  …)  No  more  hunting  for  a  parking  spot!  Parking  is  available  for  YOU  a  half  block  west  of  the  Cafe  in  the  De  La  Cruz  Math & Science   Academy Parking  Lot  on  23rd  Place.  For  a  map  to  Café  Duvall  (just  E  of  Oakley  St.  which  is  1  block  E  of  Western  Ave.  and  3  short  blocks  S  of Cermak  Ave.  (22nd  St.). 

  For  more  directions  to  or  information  on  this  or  other  tango  events, contact  Phoebe  on  her  cell:  312-60TANGO  (312-608-2646  -  text  msgs  welcome)  /  or TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com  (immediate  response  to/from  cell).  Phoebe  J.  (PJ)  Grant  of  WindyCityTango,  Unlimited  WindyCityTango at yahoo.com  (allow  24  hours  for response  to  this  address)  /  Promoter,  Teacher,  Performer,  Sponsor  of  Argentine  Tango 

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