[Tango-A] NA-E: Susana Miller – Sept. 5-9 in Pittsburgh

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 29 08:21:41 EDT 2008

Susana Miller – Sept. 5-9 in Pittsburgh

Join us in welcoming Susana Miller of Buenos Aires back to Pittsburgh!

Highlights include:
- 2 milongas
- Special rate for novices
- Master class with limited registration

SUSANA MILLER of Buenos Aires is the most prominent teacher in the world today of the "milonguero" style of tango.  Clarin, the major Buenos Aires daily paper, called her one of the four most important influences on contemporary tango, along with Miguel Angel Zotto, Gustavo Naveira and Gerardo Portalea.   The milonguero (or "apilado") style is danced in the crowded clubs of central Buenos Aires. It emphasizes the connection between the couple and musicality, resulting in a form of tango with a natural connection between dancers.  

Susana encourages students to employ more rhythm in their dance, to discover their own dance vocabularies, and to learn how to shape and shrink these in space.  For women, she encourages active following, in which the woman interprets the messages that the man’s body and the spirit are sending.  Instead of using preset patterns, she imparts a basic choreographic vocabulary that allows dancers to creatively shape their own language.

Saturday, Sept. 6
DJ Greg Messina
3519 Butler St.

All workshops held at the Wilkins School & Community Center, 7604 Charleston Ave.

7:00-7:30pm  Registration & Warm-up.  

7:30-9:00pm  1. MILONGUERO FUNDAMENTALS I (All levels).  Like a musical instrument, the body also needs to be tuned.  This milonguero refresher includes posture, rhythm, embrace, and basic choreography.   Includes tango social.  Special rate of $15 for first-timers. 

9:00-11:00pm  TANGO SOCIAL.  Free with workshops, $5 otherwise.

12:00-12:30pm  Registration & Warm-up.  

12:30-2:00pm  2.  MILONGUERO FUNDAMENTALS II (Int).  Integrating more steps to your choreographies. Only little details.  Balance and ornaments for woman.  

2:15-3:45pm  3.  VALS (Int/Adv). Special walkings (that work is also for tango). Turns and counter-turns.

4:00-5:30PM  4.  FROM SIMPLE BASICS TO MORE COMPLEX FIGURES (Adv). Keys to make a charming dance.

1:00-1:30pm  Registration & Warm-up.   

1:30-3:00pm  4.  MILONGA CAMINADA AND TRASPIÉ (Adv). How to change from traspié to slow speed.  Participation in Saturday classes required.

3:30-5:00pm  5.  TECHNIQUE TO DANCE PUGLIESE (Adv). Waiting times. Boleos.  Participation in Saturday classes required.

Fri/Sat. classes:
1 class…$25	
2 classes…$45
3 classes…$65
4 classes…$85
5 classes…$100
6 classes…$115

Early Bird:  10% off if paid/postmarked by Tue., Sept. 2
Travelers: 	10% discount for those traveling 100+ miles or w/ a hotel receipt.
Early Travelers:	15% discount for travelers paid/postmarked by Tue., Sept. 2

Privates with Susana are $100/hour for single or couples.  Studio rental fee of $15 if necessary.  Contact Trini at 412-521-1476 or patangos at yahoo.com to schedule.

Super8 Motel (Monroeville), 724.733.8008
Al Monzo's Palace Inn (Monroeville), 412.372.5500
Days Inn (Monroeville) 412.856.1610 
Hampton Inn University Center (Oakland), 412.681.1000
Holiday Inn Parkway East 412.247.2700
Radisson Hotel (Monroeville) 412.373.7300

7604 Charleston Ave
WSCC is located off Exit 7 (Edgewood/Swissvale) of I-376. Travel towards Edgewood on S. Braddock Avenue. Turn left onto Sanders Avenue. Turn left onto Milton Avenue (1 block).

For more info, contact Trini at 412-521-1476 or patangos at yahoo.com.   Website:  http://patangos.home.comcast.net/ 

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society  Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh’s most popular social dance!  http://patangos.home.comcast.net/   


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