[Tango-A] Archives

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 4 12:35:16 EDT 2008

 Lucy Lynch who, for many years, provided server space and administration of the Archives has it all back up  and running and will work with our List Owner Shahrukh to see that we don't lose this valuable resource again. 

 I hope the listeros appreciate that neither one of these folks benefits from the list in any way and that it is, in fact, a lot of annoying work for them.  You will note there are no ads or pop-ups on this newsgroup and to my knowledge, the list has never been compromised to scammers.

  Over the years several folks have tried to start their own newsgroup lists and they have never been more than marginally successful and most have died within months.  

  Thanks to Shahrukh and Lucy,



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