[Tango-A] NA-E: FACUNDO POSADAS in BOSTON This Weekend, 19-20 April

ccdancer ccdancer at tangoluna.com
Tue Apr 15 23:12:23 EDT 2008

The Tango Society of Boston is pleased to welcome to Boston Facundo Posadas for a weekend of workshops this Weekend, 19-20 April.  Workshops start at 12 noon and go till 5pm both Saturday & Sunday.  At La Milonga this Saturday Night, Facundo will be out guest as we play music to dancers' delight, 19 April, from 8:30 to 1am. There will be plenty of refreshments served and exquisite hors d'ouevres.  So don't miss it.  For Further information about Tango events in Boston, visit the Boston Tango Calendar at www.bostontango.org or call 617-699-6246.  See you in Boston this weekend for workshops with Facundo in Traspie & Candombe and at La Milonga.

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