[Tango-A] NA:W - Negracha & Diego Lanau at LMDC, Oakland, CA in October 2007

Eugene & Jeanne Hill genejeanne at comcast.net
Thu Sep 20 10:23:14 EDT 2007

Negracha and Diego are traditional milonguero-style tango dancers and
enthusiastic teachers of the close embrace.  Their classes focus on a
single aspect of the dance, giving students an opportunity to
completely absorb several variations of each movement.  Starting with
simple walking steps, they gently encourage students to progress to
front and back ochos, boleos, giros, and ganchos.

Monday, OCT.  1
Rhythm and the Interpretation of rhythm through figures in floor patterns.

Monday, OCT. 8
The adaptation of the Milonguero style in figures.

Monday, OCT. 15
Dynamics, cadence and combinations in Milonga rhythm.

Saturday, OCT. 13 - La Milonga de Jeanne
Elegance and "Tempo" in the "Enrosque" (to coil or twist)

Beginner class 7:30 to 8:15 pm
Intermediate class 8:30 to 9:30 pm
Followed by a practice 9:30-10:30 pm

Beginner $10, beginner with practice $15
Intermediate $20 for class and practice
$25 both Beginner & Intermediate with practice
$5 practice only

Contact Jeanne Hill at genejeanne at comcast.net or by phone (925) 283-0191.

For private lessons, email Negracha & Diego at Ines Del Valle
<negrachatango at yahoo.com.ar>, or phone (650) 924-5098,

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