[Tango-A] NA-E: March 31 Woodstocvk Milonga w/Daniela y Luis
Ilene Marder
imhmedia at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 21 20:32:45 EDT 2007
Woodstock Tango's Monthly Milonga (w/ Afternoon Workshops)
w/special guests....
www.WoodstockTango.com (for directions and more info)
Daniela and Luis bring a particularly joyous and heartfelt aspect to the
dance, coupled with beautiful and precise technique and a gift for
teaching. They are one of hottest couples in the States and will be
giving two - one and a half hour workshops Saturday afternoon -
INCLUDING MILONGA TRASPIE, with a demo at the evening milonga. Join
dancers from the tri-state area for a sublime night of social dancing,
good food and great company!
3-4:30p Tango Essentials: THE EXPRESSIVE DANCER TOOLBOX: Tiempo,
Contratiempo, Syncopation and more (all levels)
4:45-6:15p THE SECRETS OF MILONGA CON TRASPIE (adv. beginner to advanced).
8-9pm Walking in Rhythm..... with Ilene (all levels)
9p- tld MILONGA with Demo by Daniela y Luis! Delicious Buffet & wine,
Door Prizes… (plus BYOB, potluck contributions welcome!!)
Milonga Only: $15, includes 8p intro class, buffet
DJ Ilene de Woodstock….the great classic recordings of tango with salsa
& swing break!hvhh
In Advance (By Friday 3/30)
$25 per workshop
1 workshop w/milonga- $35 ; 2 workshops @$45, w/milonga $55.
At the Door:
$30 per workshop.
1 wkshop w/milonga - $40_
2 workshops @ $55, w/milonga -$65
Milonga ONLY- $15 (in advance or at door, includes 8p intro class)
$20 per workshop; 2 workshops @ $35 w/milonga - $45
Milonga Only - $10 (includes 8p group class)
Limited Overnight Lodging with local tangueros…
Reservations: Call Ilene - 845 246-1122
Workshops and milonga held at the beautiful & spacious MOUNTAIN VIEW STUDIO
on Mountain View Avenue, in the heart of the Woodstock NY arts colony.
BIOs: Daniela Pucci y Luis Bianchi
Born in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Luis Bianchi started dancing tango in
1994 and became a professional dancer in 1997. He studied with Los
Dinzel, Gabriel Angio and Natalia Games, Carlos Rivarola, Geraldine
Rojas and Javier Rodriguez, Osvaldo and Miguel Zotto, Chico Frumboli and
Eugenia Parilla, Pablo Villaraza and Dana Frigoli, among others. He has
worked extensively as a tango instructor, trainer, performer and
choreographer in Argentina, Brazil and Europe, and is praised for his
musicality and originality as well as body-centered approach to teaching.
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Daniela Pucci came to tango from a background
in science and classical piano, which she has played for the past 20
years. She started dancing tango in 1999 and has performed in theater,
milongas and other events in the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston and New
York City. She studied with Valencia Batiuk, Melina Brufman and more
extensively with Mariela Franganillo.
In July of 2006, Daniela and Luis started their work together performing
in the show "Tango Historias," in Warsaw, Poland, which was also Luis's
direction debut. Luis's and Daniela's dance is characterized by a keen
sense of musicality and sophisticated development of dynamics. In their
dance as well as teaching, they emphasize pursuit of self-expression,
feeling and freedom through development of body awareness and natural
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