[Tango-A] NA:W - Negracha & Diego Lanau at LMDC, Oakland, CA in August 2007

Eugene & Jeanne Hill genejeanne at comcast.net
Thu Jul 26 19:10:45 EDT 2007

Before returning to Buenos Aires, Hugo "Gato" Valdez & Andrea Monti give
their final class at LMDC on July 30.  They have generated a large group
of enthusiastic dancers and now extend their welcome to Negracha and
Diego, who take their place on Monday, August 6 at Lake Merritt Dance
Center, 200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA.
As ambassadors of the traditional milonguero-style tango, Negracha &
Diego dance in close embrace.  They are enthusiastic teachers.  They
instill in their students an understanding of every aspect of the tango,
from the basic walk to the fanciest of ganchos.  Their classes focuses
on a single aspect of the dance, giving students an opportunity to
completely absorb several variations of each movement.  Starting with
simple walking steps, they gently encourage students to progress to
front and back ochos, boleos, giros, and ganchos.

Class every Monday in August:

Aug/6 -  Sacadas y giros in tango (displacements and turns)
Aug/13 - Direction and dynamic changes
Aug/20 - Figures in vals (waltz) rhythm
Aug/27 - Corridas contratiempos y caminadas (runs in counter time &
		walking steps)

Beginner class 7:30 to 8:15 pm
Intermediate class 8:30 to 9:30 pm
Followed by a practice 9:30-10:30 pm

Beginner $10, Beginner with practice $15
Intermediate $20 for class and practice
$25 for both Beginner & Intermediate with practice
$5 for practice alone (refreshments included)

Contact Jeanne Hill at genejeanne at comcast.net or by phone (925) 283-0191.

For private lessons, email Negracha & Diego at Ines Del Valle
<negrachatango at yahoo.com.ar>, or phone (650) 924-5098,

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