[Tango-A] NA-E: Harby Gonzalez & Gabriela Lopez - Feb 10 Workshops in Atlanta
Ronda Patino
rondap at mindspring.com
Thu Jan 18 14:09:22 EST 2007
**Join Tango Rio for a special weekend:
Friday, Feb 9 Tango Night at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
Saturday, Feb 10 An Afternoon of Argentine Tango with Harby Gonzalez and
Gabriela Lopez!
*Valentine Tango Night at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
Friday Feb 9
8:00 Intro lesson with Manuel & Ronda Patino
9:15 Milonga DJ Manuel
Beautiful Mansion, lovely wood floors, light refreshments
980 Briarcliff Rd. Atlanta 30306
$15 for the evening, $10 after 9:15
Saturday, Feb 10
2:00 - 3:15 Contra body Walking - particular attention to the shape of the
body. Harby and Gaby are both known for their exquisite posture and
flawless technique. Relatively new to tango? Get a great start! Familiar
with tango? A wonderful opportunity to delve into what makes tango, tango.
3:30 - 4:45 Volcadas, Colgadas & Inter/Adv Combinations. For the dancer
with some experience, join Harby and Gaby as they explore the fundamentals
of these off axis moves. Continued focus on clean execution of the
movements along with musicality, partnership and flow.
5:00 - 7:00 Practica - Keep working on what you have been studying during
the afternoon, or join us to dance, socialize and mingle!
Pricing -
In advance (in person, or check to Tango Rio LLC, 490 Marietta St. #102
Atlanta, GA 30313)
Workshop + Practica $20
2 Workshops + Practica $35
Practica alone $10
At the door
Workshop + Practica $25
2 Workshops + Practica $45
Practica alone $10
Location -
Dance 411 Studios
749 Moreland Avenue SE Atlanta 30316
www.tango-rio.com 404-524-9899
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