[Tango-A] February 24, Providence Tango presents...

providence tango events at providencetango.com
Wed Feb 21 11:36:42 EST 2007

*February 24*

Tango workshops with Javier Rochwarger

1:30 - 3:00pm (Int) how to do perfect sacadas
3:30 - 5:00pm (int/adv) Expressing the music (and your mood) with pauses,
suspensions, etc.
5:30 - 7:00pm (int/adv) Spicing up your dance with counter moves, rebotes
and oppositional energy.

$25 per workshop
$20 LongaMilonga

Workshop Pass $60.00 (all 3 wkshps)
Full Pass $70.00 (LongaMilonga + 3 wkshps)

Private Lessons with Javier are available by appointment.
Contact ellen at providencetango.com or 401.728.9393 to schedule .

*February 24

*TangoJam. Bring an instrument, your voice or just come listen.
Led by Ben Bogart. Musicians and music lovers of all levels are welcome.
Sheet music at www.tangojam.com.

*February 24

*LongaMilonga, $20

DJ Adam Hoopengardner

Dancing starts 9pm-6am. Buffet dinner & desserts
Celebrating special guest Javier Rochwarger,
Farewell to Ben & Thuy, and Thuy's 31st birthday.

Info www.providencetango.com or
email info at providencetango.com or
call 401.728.9393.
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