[Tango-A] SA: news from Tanguera Tours--NEW LOCATION IN BUENOS AIRES

swingn82thebar swingn82thebar at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 15:49:38 EDT 2007

We specialize in helping newcomers crack the code to dancing more in Buenos Aires milongas!

Tanguera Tours has a new home with regular business hours to receive you while you are in Buenos Aires.  Come by and resort to us for all of our usual service offerings:  tango classes, guided tours to the milongas, bookings at the preferred tango shows, tango dance partners, and other resources useful to the newcomer dancer in Buenos Aires.  

Riobamba 486, 10º A, Buenos Aires, Argentina

For a limited time we are offering 30% off the dinner tango shows in Buenos Aires (Esquina Carlos Gardel, Piazolla, and Viejo Almacen),  Drop in to our new location to purchase your tickets anytime. 

Laura Chummers
Tanguera Tours

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