[Tango-A] Na-E, NA-C: Christopher and Caroline in Cleveland, Oct 7 & 8 Here is Christopher

TimmyTango@aol.com TimmyTango at aol.com
Mon Sep 25 19:19:13 EDT 2006

We are so pleased to announce that 
Christopher Nassopoulos and Caroline Peattie 
are coming to North Ridgeville, Ohio
Oct 7 & 8

Here is Christophers and Carolines schedule and prices
Christopher and Caroline are known around the country for the quality and 
clarity of their instruction, and musicality and dynamic movement. They are best 
known for their close-embrace. They are specialists in teaching pure lead and 
follow and clear uncomplicated walking. Whether teaching private lessons, 
workshops, or in festivals, they understand 
what students and communities need to progress and thrive. 
With strong backgrounds in Yoga, pilates, and martial arts, and a multitude 
of athletic skills between them, these energetic instructors fill their classes 
with contagious humor and a relaxed atmosphere to create positive and upbeat 
class experiences. Skilled yet unpretentious, Christopher and Caroline have 
the incisive ability to analyze movement and help improve a students technique 
on even the most subtle levels.  
In addition, both Christopher and Caroline lead and follow, giving them 
further insight into the technique of and relationship between the two roles. They 
give their students the building blocks they need to create 
their own improvisational dance, using the beauty of the music and the 
embrace of their partner as their ultimate guide.
Saturday, Oct 7 
Ridgefield Rec Center....440/227-4070 
8700 Gatewood Drive.............North Ridgeville 
12:30 Registration 
1:00  The Connection in close embrace. The Key to Beautiful Dancing. How to 
Connect with your Partner and 
create Fundamental moves with Emphasizing on Navigating in tight 
spaces...........................For all Levels 
2:45 Rhythm, Parallel & Cross System. 
Dancing to the Music either in Cross or Parallel 
4:30 to 5:00 Supervised Pratica.   
Christopher and Caroline will supervise a Practica. Ask them anything you 
wish, whether it was taught in class or not.  
Milonga con Dolcezza 
8:00 to 12:00 Saturday night 
Ridgefield Rec. Center....440/227-4070 
8700 Gatewood Drive.............North Ridgeville 
Light snacks furnished. BYOB is allowed 
Adam Hoopengardner guest DJ 
Adam started his life in Tango right here in Cleveland and is now teaching 
tango and DJing in New York City 
at the Empire Dance Studio. Welcome home Adam. 
12:00 party at Alegria till ?????????????? 
Sunday, Oct 8 
Ridgefield Rec Center.....440/227-4070 
8700 Gatewood Drive..............North Ridgeville 
12:30 Registration 
1:00 High Velocity turns with dynamic changes of  
direction. After watching a video several people wanted this class 
2:45 Suspended Salidas, and Anchored Ochos 
This class will test you skills...............advanced 
4:30 to 5:00 Supervised Practica 
Christopher and Caroline will supervise a Practica. Ask them anything you 
wish, whether it was taught in class or not.
1 Class...........................................$25       
2 Classes...................................... $ 45        
3 Classes.......................................$65     
4 Classes.......................................$80     
Supervised Practicas....................$5 Each 
Saturday night milonga............$12 
Private Lessons 
Sorry, Sold Out 
10% savings for driving 75 miles or more 
10% savings for payment received by Sept 30 
Motel 6.......................440/327-6311 
Super 8 Motel.................440/327-0500 

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