[Tango-A] Ithaca Workshops with Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt

Wolfgang Sachse sachse at ccmr.cornell.edu
Mon Sep 18 01:06:36 EDT 2006


JUST ONE DAY remaining at the low Pre-registration fee ...

We're delighted to have Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt come to
Ithaca for another weekend of Workshops and dancing.

You can download a flyer and/or Registration Form by going 
to the WEBSITE of the Ithaca Tangueros:

   http://rso.cornell.edu/tango/   . . . and click on `Workshops'

(Drag the above into your WEB browser and it should work.)

  Register for the COMPLETE Program: $90 (Late Registration: $105)
  Students: Less 33%; Cornell U-grads: Free to Beginners' class/Milonga

  -- OR -- Pre-register for the activities of interest to you:

[  ] Friday, September 22: Noon-8pm, available for Privates      
	     Contact: Juan Brache <jbrache at twcny.rr.com> to reserve space
             Time will also be available Saturday, Sunday for privates.
	     Please contact Juan Brache <jbrache at twcny.rr.com> for info.

[  ] Saturday, September 23: At 303 APPEL COMMONS
               : 12:20 - 1:35pm  Tango Rhythm/Musicality [ALL]
               :  1:50 - 3:05pm  Sacadas [ALL, INT/ADV]
               :  3:35 - 4:50pm  Vals [ALL, INT/ADV]
		    All Saturday: $45 -OR- $15/class

             evening (519 WILLARD STRAIGHT HALL): 9am - 1am  Gran Milonga $10

[  ] Sunday, September 24: At 303 APPEL COMMONS
               : 12:20 - 1:35pm  Follower's Technique (Leaders invited!) [ALL]
               :  1:50 - 3:05pm  Boleos [ALL, INT/ADV]            
               :  3:35 - 4:50pm  Milonga [ALL, INT/ADV]
		    All Sunday: $45 -OR- $15/class

             evening 9pm - 1am : Regular Milonga $5

Words from the teachers: "The classes are designed so that Beginners
         can feel success and Advanced dancers can be challenged."

All events: $90 ($15/class); after September 18: $105 ($20/class)
   Gran Milonga: $10; Regular Milonga: $5; Students: Less 33%
   Cornell Undergraduates: FREE admission to Beginners' classes
   and Gran Milonga.

** Sat/Sun Workshops will be at 303 ABC Appel Commons; Cornell
        North Campus; Ithaca

** Saturday Milonga: 519 Willard Straight Hall; Cornell campus

** Sunday Milonga: Chanticleer, 2nd Floor
        Corner of State and Cayuga Streets; Ithaca

Bailemos! . . . . Wolfgang

Tango Workshops Committee  ITHACA TANGUEROS  www.rso.cornell.edu/tango/
 noha * juan * joaquin * bonnie * valentin * poppy * laurie * wolfgang

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