[Tango-A] NA-E:Tonight - Willie Feuer in Rochester - join us!

tangoesc@ix.netcom.com tangoesc at ix.netcom.com
Fri Sep 15 10:38:35 EDT 2006

Tango Workshops with Willie Feuer in Rochester & Buffalo on September 15, 16,
Willie Feuer
WlLLIE FEUER teaches Argentine Tango at Dance Manhattan in New York City.
He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Dance at Wesleyan University. Willie has
been a featured performer at the Tango Festival in Boston, at First night, NYC, 
at the international Festival of the Arts in New Haven and at the Grand Opening 
of Dance Manhattan’s Tango Salon.  He has traveled to Argentina to study with 
many of the master teachers of Argentine Tango in Buenos Aires and has taught workshops
and presented performances at such venues as Amherst College, the Yale Center for
British Art, Dance Manhattan, the Continental Club, the Gala Party held at the Algeier
Mansion for the release of the New York Tango Trio’s CD- "Cabarute",
and the Metropolitan Opera Club in New York City, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston,
the Northampton Center for the Arts, Sarah Lawrence College, Vassar College, and
at the University of Michigan.
September 15, 16 & 17,  2006

Friday, September 15, 2006*
Friday 9/15/06
7:00 -8:15 Advanced Tango: Dare to go Slow
8:30 -9:45 Tango: A Selection of Willie’s Favorite Stolen Tango Steps

Saturday 9/16/06**
10:30 -11:45 Basic Tango for Absolute Beginners (This class only taught by Barbara
Warren of Dancencounters)
12:00 -1:15 Fundamentals: Simple Tango: Walking, Is that all you do?
1:30 -2:45  Experienced: Following Simple Tango
3:00 -4;15  Experienced: Leading Simple Tango

Sunday 9/17/06*
1:00 -2:15  Fundamentals: Simple Milonga
2:30 -3:45  Embellishments for all

*Friday and Sunday classes taught at DancEncounters,  1115 East Main Street, Rochester

**Saturday classes and Saturday night dance at Charisma Performing Arts Center,
4168 North Buffalo Road, Village of Orchard Park (Buffalo Area), 1 block north of
for directions, call Bernadine at 716-208-9911
7:00 -10:00 - Saturday Night Milonga at Charisma Performing Arts Center, 4168
North Buffalo Road, Village of Orchard Park (see above)
Private lessons available by appointment
Single Classes
$25 First Class
$20 each additional class
$ 8 Saturday Night Milonga
$80 Private Lessons
Pre-Registration packages
$35 Beginners Package (Saturday 10:30 & 12:00 classes)
$90 All Saturday and Sunday  Package (all 5 classes & Sunday Night Milonga)
$55 Saturday classes only (12:00 -4:15)
$40 Sunday classes (both)
$40 Friday classes (both)
Pre-registration enrollments must be postmarked by 9/7/06
Registration Coupon
Name: __________________________________________Phone:__________________
Address:_________________________________________Cell Phone_______________
___ $35 Beginners Package (Saturday 10:30 and 12:00 classes)
___ $90 Saturday and Sunday Package (Saturday 12:00-4:15, Sunday 1:00-3:45 &
Sunday night milonga)
___ $55 Saturday classes only (12:00-4:15)
___ $40 Sunday classes only
___ $40 Friday classes only
	I've enclosed a check for $__________________
Make checks payable to Sara Ruderman 
Send checks/money orders & Registration coupon to Sara Ruderman, 349 West 85
Street #42, New York, NY  10024
For Further information contact Sara Ruderman
By email at tangoesc at ix.netcom.com
By phone at 585-233-2050 Or 212-877-3273

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