[Tango-A] NA-E: Pulpo and Luiza at Yale Tango in Connecticut, Sept 17

Yale Tango Club yaletangoclub at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 17:58:46 EDT 2006

Hello everybody,
upcoming excitement at the Yale Tango Club in New Haven CT:
Sept 17, Pulpo and Luiza, details below
Sept 24, Robin and Jennifer, see www.yaletangoclub.org
Oct 1, Hsueh-Tse Lee, www.yaletangoclub.org

This Sunday Sept 17:  workshops with superstars
El Pulpo and Luiza
from Buenos Aires
Pulpo and Luiza are famous for their outrageous leg wraps. They will blow
you away!

4.30: Intermediate class: Totally Wacky Pulpo move
6.30: Interm-advanced: Outrageously Mind-boggling Pulpo move

sign up for intermediate and interm-adv class here:

price per class, pay at the door:
Students and postdocs, full time with ID, from any school: $8
Non-students $20

Followed by famous Yale Practilonga until midnight or later

Hope to dance with you soon!
Yale Tango Club Prez
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