[Tango-A] NA-E: Milonga at Oberlin College

TimmyTango@aol.com TimmyTango at aol.com
Sat Nov 25 11:49:42 EST 2006

This is the first semester that Oberlin College has offered Argentine Tango
The first class we be ending their first 12 week session, and we're having 
Graduation Milonga to celebrate

Friday, December 1, 2006
Peters Great Hall on North Professor St.
from 8:00 to 12:00
and there is NO entrance fee

Music by Tim Pogros, 
aka. TimmyTango

Please come and help the new area of tango to grow
The kids have studied hard at the Milonguero style of tango

Peters Great Hall is across from Tappan Square 
Next to Finny Chapel

and the best news is, we have been invited back for next Semester to teach
a Tango 1 class and a tango 2 class
This is great

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