christina johnson User kikibri at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 23 05:24:10 EST 2006

LOOKING FOR  A PEAK TANGO tango experience after many years of dancing?
Beyond Tango, LLC is a company that specializes in unique multi-cultural
experiences that include tango, adventure, cuisine,and education.

The upcoming trips for 2007 are:
 TANGO CLIMAX, April 29 to May 9 in Argentina


TANGO QUETZAL, Aug 1-8 in Guatemala.

Details will be upcoming, but I would like to have an e-mail from you if you
are interested in the trips, so I can start an ³interest group² list.

For advanced dancers, only, with at least four years experience in Argentine
tango. We will not have ³teachers², but rather, facilitators. One
facilitator is EDUARDO SAUCEDO, whom many of you know.
There are four days in Buenos Aires for private classes and milongas, and
then perhaps one night in Montevideo, and four nights in Mendoza, Arg.
(magnificent wine country) for a special tango intrigue journey, and Mendoza
milongas. It includes drama and a certain personal preparedness that will
attract those who enjoy the journey of self awareness and service to others.

There is room for only 16 partnered people! If you do not have a partner, we
can help find you an advanced dancer, but the price may be significantly
more for finding you one.
 1) You would need to pay the Buenos Aires persons¹ travel, hotel, etc. from
Bs As to Mendoza and for the days spent in Mendoza.Since this unfolding
tango adventure has a certain agenda, any dancers coming from Buenos Aires
must qualify, so please advise ASAP if this is what you might
prefer. Our scouts in BA will be searching for the right partners.

2) Alternatively, single men or women who register with Beyond Tango will be
matched to balance other singles who register. In no way does this make you
a "dance couple" as we will purposefully change partners for many of the

Also, I am happy to match partners who sign up individually for the trip.
The lodging in Mendoza is at Club Tapiz, where I stayed in August this year,
and it is stunning!
See:  http://www.newage-hotels.com/alojamiento_e.php?id_aloja=15&page=1
See: http://beyondtangollc.blogspot.com/
The base price including tango guest house type lodging in Bs As and Club
Tapiz lodging in Mendoza is around $1,800 per person, not including airfare
to and from Argentina, but including airfare Buenos Aires/Mendoza. Beyond
Tango has special prices for Club Tapiz, as we are taking the entire hotel.
The final price will be published Jan.15, 2007.
Also includes: Transportation in Mendoza, milongas in both cities, some
meals, wine tasting and gourmet afternoon of exquisite dinner and wines in
meal in Mendoza, and the unfolding personal tango pieces and group

Trip limit: 30 people
*Guatemala means: "land of eternal spring" in the Mayan language.*
For beginner/intermediate dancers, although advanced dancers are welcome.
It will be mainly in Antigua, Guatemala,at the gorgeous Quinta de las Flores
hotel with two days at Lake Atitlan, in the beautiful lakeside Hotel
Atitlan, with dance floor.
I will put more details in soon. It will need to be booked immediately, as
the Hotels will not hold rooms, nor the dance floor, without deposits.
Guatemala is a paradise; exotic and hospitable, inexpensive, fascinating,
and relaxing.
Teachers are to be announced.
The price will be base price of $1,400 per person. The price will be
somewhat more than this, and I will have final price by February 1, 2007. It
will include:
 Lodging, tango, some meals, a personal tour and talk by archaeologist  and
Mayan jade expert Mary Lou Ridinger, an excellent city tour of Antigua,
tango classes, yoga class, transport from Guatemala City one way and two way
transport Antigua/Hotel Atitlan, but not airfare to and from Guatemala City.
Additional tours may include hiking the Volcano near Antigua, coffee finca
tour. Antigua is a center for Spanish language schools, and private tutoring
is an easy and inexpensive. option to improve your knowledge of Spanish.
Also included is a tour of the Santo Domingo hotel Museum: something so
unique you will just need to see it, rather than hear about it. It has a
pre-Columbian Art and Modern Glass exhibition ­ "Art and beauty in
earthenware, stone and glass ­ It is a comparative sample between an
archeological collection and one of modern glass, where the similarities
between the two of them are shown."
Note: If you want to visit TIKAL, the center of ancient Mayan civilization,
please arrive two days early or extend your trip by a day. It takes a day to
fly there, tour and return. Or you may want to stay the night there at
Francis Ford Coppola's new resort: La Lancha, 45 minutes from Tikal/Flores.

Please indicate your interest, if you are interested in one of these trips,
so I can focus on getting you the next pieces of information.

Keep warm in your hearts and in your dance,

Beyond Tango, LLC
Christina Johnson, President
15 S. Sligo Plantation Rd.
Natchez, MS, 39120
(601) 442-5355, Cell: (601) 807-8450
Fax: (601) 445-6626
E-mail: beyondtango at earthlink.net

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