[Tango-A] rare DVD, documenting milongueros in Tulsa -- against all odds
nuspl at cox.net
Fri May 26 01:33:56 EDT 2006
Announcing a DVD now available featuring the Argentine Tango of Tulsa and the Guitar Society of Tulsa, in a unique collaboration, in an unlikely locale.
I have a few copies left of tANGO & GUItaR LIVE in tulsa -- if anyone is interested in this curiosity piece / collector's item for your Tango-DVD archive. In addition to the guitars and vocals featuring talent from Tulsa, it has two couples doing tango-apilado in close embrace, or tango-salon, with such things as forward sacada, reverse sacada, in series; ocho milonguero or ocho cortado; gancho; volcada; quebrada; enganche; etc., all at venues here in Tulsa. It also has documentary video from an Argentinian milonga (dance social), to see how it's done in Argentina, and one example of tango-fantasia, or what to save for the stage and therefore what not to use at the milonga. This is a demonstration of Argentine Tango, as done at the milongas in Buenos Aires, not to be confused with the American Tango or the International Tango, used in competitions.
tANGO & GUItaR LIVE in tulsa
Collaboration between tangueros and chitarristas
Argentine Tango of Tulsa and the Guitar Society of Tulsa
Tulsa, 18 March 2006
featuring Rosa Maria Cardozo on vocals, and the members of the Guitar Society playing in the round; Tony P. Nuspl & Alicia Hutchins, milongueros; Mark A. Mayer & Karenna LaMonica, milongueros; Philip T. Ansteth and Rod Saunders, guitar leaders
Tony P. Nuspl & Philip Ansteth, co-producers. Video edit May 2006, copyright Tony P. Nuspl & Alicia Hutchins (edited using i-Movie and i-DVD); with technical help from Dalibor Heger, University of Tulsa. Also available: videoframe captures, May 2006, copyright Tony P. Nuspl & Alicia Hutchins
limited edition of 20 copies - each DVD numbered as artist's series, eg. 17 out of 20
The cost of $15 per DVD + postage.
(If you are interested in purchasing the DVD, please send an email me, with your details, to arrange for payment via cheque or PayPal. If you would like to see a couple of pix from the video, please send an email to me and I'll send them to you as attachments; or see the weblinks provided below. Tango-A does not have the bandwidth for pictures to all members of the group).
websites with photos from the DVD:
&/or http://www.tulsaguitar.org/
Tony has had instruction from Santiago Giménez and Caroline Demers at the St. Laurent Boulevard school (Académie de Tango Argentin), in Montreal, otra ciudad seducida por el tango; with Miguel Angel Zotto & Soledad Rivero at the Castel San Elmo in Naples; as well as with Sharukh Merchant at Murray's Venue, in Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Alicia and I have benefited greatly from the accomplished milongueros in Tulsa, who are exceptionally generous with their time and their expertise, as well as being gracious hosts. Were it not for their improvised milongas and practicas, as well as their instruction provided once a month to the public at large, pro bono, there would be no Argentine Tango in Tulsa. A thank you as well to the Ballroom Dancers of Tulsa (BDT) for their interest and support, including the upcoming opportunity to proselytize on behalf of Argentine Tango during their Saturday evening dance. We'll do our best to scandalize the ballroom dancers.
Tony Nuspl
Argentine Tango of Tulsa
Vintage Tango - Tango-Milonguero - Tango-Apilado
call 918-398-6506
email: milonguero at cox.net
(For the future, see QuickTime video from the DVD, at the following webspace address. Work in progress: http://members.cox.net/milonguero Coming soon! )
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