[Tango-A] NA-E: Daniela & Armando added to Boston Tango Festival, 14-18 June

ccdancer ccdancer at tangoluna.com
Wed May 24 00:51:17 EDT 2006

The Tango Society of Boston and the MIT TangoClub are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Boston Tango Festival of Daniela Arcuri and Armando Orzuza of Argentina.  Many of you may remember Armando, who recently appeared in Robert Duvall's "Assassination Tango."  Both are veterans of the Boston Tango Festival and will bring the joy of the dance to everyone.  Don't forget that registration for the festival is continuing now, with advanced discount prices good through June 9th.  Organizers, bring a small group with you and qualify for a superpass and discount for your group.  To qualify, send e-mail to vicky at bostontango.org or call 617-721-4872.  To register online for the Boston Tango Festival, visit www.bostontangofestival.com.  We will have additional announcements in the coming days.  Don't miss this exciting opportunity to dance Argentine Tango among the Nation's oldest city and most venerable institutions of higher learning, Harvard University and the Massachus!
 etts Institute of Technology.  And of course, you might even catch a red coat or a patriot along the way somewhere in colonial Boston.  

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