[Tango-A] EU-W, EU-C, EU-E, NA-W, NA-E, NA-C, NA-S, SA: 2 weeks left for Early Registration - TangoFest Maui Hawaii- July 26-30, 2006

Gawain Bantle gawain at loveoftango.com
Sat May 13 20:35:34 EDT 2006

Early Bird Registration for 1st Annual TangoFest Maui HAWAII only  
$215 until June 1st (July 26-30,
2006).  SAVE and sign up online.

TANGO IN TROPICAL PARADISE: Our intention is to create a Tango event  
combines the experience of beauty and magic of our paradisiacal  
island with
the excitement, joy, connection, intensity and fire that Tango can  
Our fabulous line up of world class tango instructors  will teach and
inspire us to deepen our appreciation and skill in the art of Tango.  
I hope
you will come and join us on Maui to dance  tango in an environment that
opens, inspires and invigorates the body, mind and soul.

We have a movie clip about the TangoFest and Maui. If you want to see it
click here:  <http://www.tangofestmaui.com/TangoFestMaui.mov>
MauiTangofestclip  ( <http://www.tangofestmaui.com/TangoFestMaui.mov>

GUEST INSTRUCTORS:  Miriam Larici & Hugo Patyn, Carina Losano,  
Christy Cote
and Darren Lees

Milongas every night   - PLUS Tickets on sale now for Special Tango  
Show on
Friday Night and Grand Milonga/Dinner on Saturday night.

Early bird registration - before June 1st - $215 (After June 1st - $245)

Now accepting credit card payment online or print out registration form:
<http://www.tangofestmaui.com> www.tangofestmaui.com

Gawain Bantle, Event Coordinator
For further information call: 808-876-0485 or email:
<mailto:gawain at loveoftango.com> gawain at loveoftango.com
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