[Tango-A] MISC: Rhythmic Tango Intensive for Intermediates

Theo Bartek teo77 at hotmail.com
Thu May 4 13:49:06 EDT 2006

Dear Tango Friend,

We are excited to offer a two-day Rhythmic Tango Intensive based on the 
teachings we received from our milonguero teacher in Buenos Aires. He is now 
hospitalized and is not expected to recover.  When one of our students saw 
us dancing this way he said that he thought that this kind of tango was a 
"secret teaching" that he couldn't learn and that nobody wanted to share 
with him.

We want to share this knowledge with people who are truly interested in 
learning this Buenos Aires style of dancing tango.This may be the last time 
we offer this intensive.  The details are below.  Please email us if you 
wish to register.

Wishing you many heartfelt tangos,

Teo and Marsha
Tango From The Heart

Tango From The Heart
Rhythmic Tango Intensive for Intermediates :
Teo and Marsha Bartek, Instructors

 from Gainesville, FL


Rhythmic Tango Intensive: Intermediate/Advanced Close-Embrace Tango
2 days of "Almost-As-Good-As-Privates" Tango Intensive!
Classes are limited to 12 students, so each student will get personal 
attention to focus  on their individual needs.  Each day is an intensive 8 
hours, less lunch and breaks.
Teo and Marsha have studied close-embrace tango in BsAs, New York, Paris, 
and other cities. They have been truly addicted to tango, and have logged 
over 500 hrs of private instruction and studied at workshops with such 
masters as Carlos Gavito, Juan Carlos Copes, Osvaldo Zotto, Omar Vega, 
Guillarmo and Fernanda, Rebecca Schulman, Pablo Veron, Miriam and Hugo, 
Hsueh-tze Lee, Brigitta Winkler, Maria Jose Sosa, Cecilia Saia, Viviana 
Parra, Veronique and Thierry and Ricardo Vidort, Robert Hauk with Barbara 
Durr, Danial Lapadula, Mariela Franganillo, Valeria Solomonoff, Eva 
Carrozza, Jr Cervila, Jak Karako, Fabian Salas, and many others.
This Tango Intensive  focuses on rhythmic steps that you can do in close 
embrace. Tango in close embrace lends itself to rhythmic steps and with this 
new vocabulary you will be able to interpret the music better. You will 
learn,  unique, interesting, and syncopated steps that can be easily 
followed in close embrace.
This is an opportunity for you to improve your ability to dance rhythmically 
and interpret the music in a more interesting way. These steps are all 
lead-follow and are new, interesting and different. These steps are fun to 
do. And because they are done in close embrace,  you can do them in a very 
small space. You will learn a total of over 30 new syncopated steps!

Click below for testimonials from past students:


                Tango From The Heart
                Gainesville, FL 32606
                teo77 at hotmail.com

                Saturday and Sunday, May 13 & 14
                9:00 am  -  5:00 pm
                $195 for two full days, 
                No partner necessary - partners will rotate

                To register email your name, address, and telephone number 
                Teo Bartek at  teo778gmail.com or call  352-331-1336
Rhythmic Tango Intensive: Intermediate/Advanced Close-Embrace Tango 
Intensive Schedule:

Saturday, May 13th, 2006
A. 9:00AM - 10:30AM Steps: Simple rock steps from caminada on left and on 
right. Milonga step one-back side-forward-together, side together-side 
Milonga step two-back side forward-together-side–together-forward 
together-side-together,  Milongas step three- back side 
forward-together-pivot-back side forward-together-pivot, Rock step-two to 
five, Rock step-five to two

B. 10:45AM - 12:15PM Steps Multiple rock steps turning left, Rock step 
milonguero cross from, Syncopated forward ocho cross behind, Syncopated 
milonguero cross, Regular time or Syncopated cross behind, milonguero cross 
change of direction, Walking straight into woman with syncopation

C. 1:30PM - 3:00PM Steps: Traspie basic, Traspie back ocho, Back ocho to 
entrada cross in front, Syncopated molinete for close embrace.
Women's Adornments: Back ocho embellishments for women

D. 3:15PM - 4:45PM Steps: Sideways molinete, Scissors, Forward ocho by 
stepping outside with right, Walking forward right-left then back ochos, 
Walking outside-inside repeatedly (3-5), Walking outside-inside quick, guick

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

A. 9:00AM - 10:30AM Steps: Forward right-left (qq) side then repeat, 
Syncopated turnaround from cross to left , Syncopated delay on "2", Ocho 
cortada in crossed feet

B. 10:45AM -12:15PM Steps: Milonga step multiple backward ochos-fast, 
Mutiple walking forward in circle alternating syncopation and regular time, 
Rock step syncopation sequence, Cross behind molinete from 7, Slow traspie 
walk with hold.

C. 1:00PM - 2:30PM Steps: Entrada change of direction on "3", Syncopated 
push to cross with ocho cortado with gancho, End with forward, together, 
forward outside to cross in crossed feet- Can repeat to create syncopated 
walk, Cambio de frente from "3". Step to "3" and pivot to the right, let 
lady step forward around you and change direction again.

G. 3:00PM - 4:30PM Steps: Side left, back right change of direction-then 
rock step forward ocho to change of direction again,  Man crosses behind in 
"5" , then rock step and turn to left doing milonguero cross and syncopated 
side step, Caminando with traspie to stop cross, alternating with push to 
cross.Traspie molinete from forward ocho by stepping outside on right 
.Sentada to left
and to right man walking backwards

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