[Tango-A] NA-C: Fernanda & Guillermo in Denver, 6/28-7/3

Chas Gale hotchango at msn.com
Fri Jun 16 21:49:11 EDT 2006

Greetings from The Tango House

Registration for Fernanda Ghi & Guillermo Merlo's Denver workshops is going 
We will maintain gender balance and we will limit the number of attendees in 
order to allow plenty of space, time and attention for every tango dancer. 
As a result in all likelihood the workshops will sell out.

If you are coming please register now! Simply respond to this message with 
your name, phone number, email address,
leader or follower, general skill level, and the workshops you wish to
attend. Also please indicate if you would like a private lesson(s), and with
whom you prefer, Guillermo, Fernanda, or both.

The Ramada has added rooms for this event and extended the deadline until 
6/22. A non-smoking/king is $65+tax. DO NOT wait until the last minute. This 
event is taking place during a holiday weekend. The rooms will sell out. You 
must call The Ramada directly and mention The Tango House to get this rate, 

The dates are 6/28-7/3. There will be 1 TangoClinic & Practica, 2 milongas, 
7 workshops and 2 full days have been set aside for private lessons. See a 
list of workshops and rates below. For more details about the
workshops please click the "Events & News" tab on The Tango House web site,

Workshop Schedule, (Again, for more detail go to the "Events & News" page on
The Tango House web site.)

 Wed. 6/28, 7-10:30pm, Tango Clinic & Practica, All levels, $35
 Thur. 6/29, 7-8:15pm, Milonga con Amagues, Int.-Adv.
 Thur. 6/28, 8:30-9:45pm, Vals Turns, Int.-Adv.
 Fri.  6/30, Milonga at The Mercury Cafe
 Sat. 7/1, 1-2:15pm, Tango I, Adv/Beg-Int.
 Sat. 7/1, 2:30-3:45pm, Tango II, Adv/Beg-Int.
 Sat. 7/1, 4-5:15pm, Milonga, Adv/Beg-Int.
 Sat. 7/1, Milonga at The Tango House
 Sun. 7/2, 1-2:30pm, Tango III, Int-Adv.
 Sun. 7/2, 3-4:30pm, Tango IV, Int-Adv.

"Steal These Workshops Package", all 7 classes, $210/couple, couples only =
1 leader & 1 follower.
For individual workshops, 1 or 2 classes are $30/class/person. 3 or 4 are
$25/class/person. 5-7 are $20/class/person.
The Wednesday Tango Clinic & Practica is $35/person and is not included in
any package of classes.

Fernanda & Guillermo are extremely gifted instructors. This is only their 
second visit to Denver and their first in 7 years! We are proud and 
fortunate to have them here. Read more about this extraordinary couple at

Please contact me (Chas) with any questions.
With our best,
Chas & Gaia,

The Tango House
3617 Osage Street
Denver, CO 80211-3059

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