[Tango-A] NA-E, NA-C, NA-W: Tango Feast in NYC next week

Sarah La Rocca sarah_la_rocca at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 18 14:42:40 EDT 2006

If you ever considered checking out the NYC Tango Scene, no time could ever be better than the last week in July, when by happy accident we have an endless feast of great tango activities: here are some highlights:
  The NYC Tango Festival, 
  a full week of classes, films, milongas and performances
  featuring the gala Black & White Ball  Friday July 28th
  with class, live music, show and buffet.
  Something for everyone
  I TANGO Show with the Color Tango Orchestra
  and famous dancers Gloria & Eduardo, Guillermina & Claudio, and others
  July 25, 26 & 27
  Special milonga with Color Tango Orchestra on July 27th
  advanced ticket purchase highly recommended
  The New Generation Dance Company
  a unique fusion of tango, ballet & modern dance by Dardo Galletto
  July 27, 28, 29, 30
  including Gala performance night on July 27th with dancers from American Ballet Theatre and Forever Tango.
  Studio Triangulo Grande Finale All Night Milonga
  Saturday July 29th
  celebrate the last tango in this beloved funky loft space
  special DJ's and dancing until dawn and beyond....
  As there are many other cool activities, for a complete calendar of all activities including locations, directions, prices ect, this site will help to sort it all out:
  Looking forward to meeting many out of town tangueros in NYC next week.
  Sarah la Rocca

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