[Tango-A] NA-E, NA-C: Fire and Ice 2007, Ann Arbor, Feb 2-5, 2007

Avik Basu avikbasu at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 26 11:38:04 EST 2006

Greetings Tango Dancers,

Please join us February 2-5, 2007 in Ann Arbor, MI for
our 5th Annual Michigan Tango Festival, "Fire and

The Ann Arbor festivals are becoming quite popular
throughout the states for quality social dancing in a
friendly and cozy atmosphere.  Dancing, more dancing,
fun and friendship are the main themes of our
festivals. This weekend of non-stop dancing will
feature guest instructors and DJs...

-Christopher Nassopoulos & Caroline Peattie (San
-Felipe Martinez (San Francisco/Madrid)
-Robin Thomas (NYC) 
-Adam Hoopengardner (NYC)


-4 milongas (including one all-nighter), 1 practica,
workshops, performances, and more...
-Extremely reasonable pricing.  With early
registration, the full festival pass is just $45 for
students and $90 for non-students!
-Some housing with local dancers is available for
early-bird registrants (on a first-come first-serve

All details and online registration available at:


If you have any questions, please email either Avik
(avikbasu at yahoo.com) or Mabel (mrodri at umich.edu).

Wish you all a Happy New Year!

Avik Basu 
Michigan Argentine Tango Club

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