[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Bike auction to be held September 27, Noon-2:30PM

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Thu Sep 5 08:39:41 EDT 2024

Good morning.
Please see messages below.
  It appears bikes that are considered abandoned by parking and transportation have now been tagged.

If you own a bike that has been tagged, please remove the tag so the lock is  not cut , removed and put into the auction.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Robynn Cruz-Walker <rcruz at mit.edu>
Date: September 4, 2024 at 9:39:05 AM EDT
To: mitbike <mitbike at mit.edu>, gsc-hca <gsc-hca at mit.edu>, ua-admin <ua-admin at mit.edu>, hmgr <hmgr at mit.edu>, parkinfo <parkinfo at mit.edu>, MIT Police <mitpd at mit.edu>
Cc: mitparking <mitparking at mit.edu>, Martin W O'Brien <mobrien at mit.edu>, David Friedrich <dfriedr at mit.edu>, Donald P Miller <ghound at mit.edu>, Steven DeMarco <sdemarco at mit.edu>, Craig A Martin <martinc at mit.edu>, atlascenter <atlascenter at mit.edu>, dof-comm <dof-comm at mit.edu>, parkingandtransportation <parkingandtransportation at mit.edu>
Subject: Bike auction to be held September 27, Noon-2:30PM

Good day, everyone –

On Friday, September 27, the MIT Police and the Parking & Transportation Office will hold a bicycle auction of used or abandoned bicycles, weather permitting.

  *   The auction will run from 12 noon to 2:30 PM at 290 Albany Street in Cambridge.
  *   The lot opens at 11:30 AM for an opportunity to preview the bicycles.
  *   A valid MIT ID is required to participate; on-site registration of purchased bikes is available.

Proceeds from the auction go toward campus bicycle initiatives, and payment is by credit card only. Note: There is a three-bike maximum purchase per individual.

For more information about the bicycle auction, contact our team at mitparking at mit.edu<mailto:mitparking at mit.edu>.

Please take care of yourself and each other! Learn how to navigate our city streets safety – visit the Urban Street Safety Tips<https://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/safety.html> page to access some great resources and quick tutorials. Visit the Personal Wheels Guidelines<https://web.mit.edu/pw/> for information on operating and storing your Personal Wheels on campus (including bikes).


Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Parking and Transportation Office
40 Ames Street, E17-131
Cambridge, MA 02142
rcruz at mit.edu
P: 617-253-4754
C: 617-259-4847

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