[Tang-Residents] AC installation

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Thu Jun 20 17:56:03 EDT 2024

Hi Trevor
  You are the first one for Tang Hall.  This is the new type that just came out.   The design is made to sit on the windowsill breathe out through the back and into the house.
It will work great for a regular home  not this type of building.

No to the photo below.

I am also including the other residents now as well.
This one  was just brought my attention today.
I have also included the THRA Tang government asking them if they could update  on the Tang Hall website this type will not work.

Thank you

On Jun 20, 2024, at 4:11 PM, Trevor Wesley Cambron <tcambron at mit.edu> wrote:

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply. As I said, I am not sure that I can return that unit. Isn't the unit just placed in the box, meaning that it will fit? Otherwise, why is it incompatible? I would suggest saying that on the Tang website where you guys give the specifications for what AC unit to buy, which I checked before buying this unit.
From: Michael J Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 4:03 PM
To: Trevor Wesley Cambron <tcambron at mit.edu>
Subject: Re: AC installation

Hi Trevor
That U-shaped air conditioner is not compatible to the windows within Tang Hall.

Please purchase a regular air conditioner that will fit inside the dimensions of that metal box beneath your window

Once you have the new one ready and out of the box, please open up another repair request for installation.


On Jun 20, 2024, at 4:00 PM, Trevor Wesley Cambron <tcambron at mit.edu> wrote:

Hi Michael,

I put in a request for AC installation and it was denied because of being "incompatable." However, it is a window AC unit and it is within the dimensions listed online, so I was hoping for some clarification on that. It seems that it should be able to be installed normally in the box in the room, and I am not sure if I can return the one I just bought so would certainly hope it can get installed.


Trevor Cambron
PhD Student | MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering
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