[Tang-Residents] Fire Drill Tang

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Sep 11 08:51:03 EDT 2023

 I am writing to inform you that a fire drill will be conducted [this week] as required by law.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and attention to the fire evacuation procedure<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/housing-policies/fire-and-life-safety> (also copied below).  The drill will take place at an unidentified time and all residents are reminded that fire emergencies can occur unexpectedly with little or no warning.  Please treat every fire alarm as a real fire.

There are simple steps you can take to help prevent fires in your living areas.  Please take a moment to review the fire safety information<https://ehs.mit.edu/workplace-safety-program/fire-safety/> provided by the MIT Environment Health & Safety Office (EHS), as well as this virtual EHS fire safety training<http://web.mit.edu/training/course.html?course=EHS00470w&sys=PS1>.  When in doubt, always double check whether you’ve left on a burner or forgot to unplug a device.

Thank you for helping to ensure the safety of our residential community.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or EHS Program Manager, Alice Ursella, via email at aursella at mit.edu<mailto:aursella at mit.edu>.

 Wednesday, September 13th: (2-5:30pm)

Evacuation Procedure

In the unlikely event of a fire, please follow the building evacuation procedure<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/housing-policies/fire-and-life-safety> listed below.

  1.  Select the nearest exit
  2.  Do not take the elevator
  3.  Activate the manual fire alarm if not already sounding
  4.  Travel along the right-hand side of corridors and stairwells
  5.  If possible, direct yourself to the designated assembly locations* for your building (indoor or outdoor), and away from fire lanes.
  6.  Do not stand in front of the building entrance.  Firefighters require easy access to the building.
  7.  If there is inclement weather, take shelter in nearby buildings wherever possible.
  8.  Once the Cambridge Fire Department or Housing staff gives the ‘all clear,’ you may return to your room.

*Assembly locations are reported on the Emergency Evacuation Plan posted on each floor next to elevators and stairs.

 Michael Collins
House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Division of Student Life | Housing & Residential Services
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Tang Hall – The high rise beside the river! (mit.edu)<https://tang.mit.edu/>

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