[Tang-Residents] Front Desk

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Fri Jan 14 21:41:38 EST 2022

Hello Tang Residents:

Forwarding this attachment listing graduate housing policy updates related to the covid booster requirement, residence hall guests and gatherings with food.



Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


From: Dawn Anderson
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 9:14 AM
To: tang-government
Subject: Front Desk

Hello THRA:

We just met with housing to discuss professionalizing the front desk.  The goal is the centralize the management of all front desks to insure consistency across campus.  Here are some features and points to consider:

1.  Full time staff working for MIT w/benefits.  They are starting to professionalize house cleaning staff and others transitioning therefrom ACME staff to MIT staff w/benefits.

2. Multiple people covering 40 hrs per week day 8-5 and night 5 -midnight.  Breaks would be covered.  It will be the same folks so they become apart of the community

3. StarRez system is coming on line but is a year and a half out to being completely up.  That includes managing packages, checking out equipment (vacuums, etc...)

4. Student/Guest check in and out features

5. Westgate might be getting their own front desk which will alleviate the crowdedness and storage issue experienced at the front desk.

5. They started transitioning to professional staff with other graduate residence halls on 11/1.  Tang is the only outlier.

This is the information I have so far.  Rich has agreed to do a zoom call with us to answer any questions.



Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


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