[Tang-Residents] Tang Hall Slack Channels Restructuring

Sathwik P Chadaga chadaga at mit.edu
Tue Aug 9 17:34:19 EDT 2022

Hello Tang Hall residents,

We recently reorganized the channels in our Tang Hall Slack group. The new channel structure is as follows.

  *   general
Announcements and discussions relevant to the Tang community or Tang residence hall.

  *   help-and-concerns
Have a concern and need an answer? Need to borrow an item or acquire something on short notice? Post here.

  *   reuse-and-sell
Give away items for free, post your move-out sales, or seek items (permanent, non-urgent). MIT, Tang Hall, and THRA are not responsible for any transactions. All transactions are solely the responsibility of the individuals coordinating.

  *   events
Post your student group’s event!  Free food at an MIT community picnic? Let us know! Events should generally be MIT-related either through the host or group of participants

  *   random
Pretty much anything else. Post a cool fact you learned or an activity you enjoy. Found an awesome restaurant? Share your joy! Topics don’t need to be related to Tang Hall or MIT.

There may be some overlap in the channel topics, so just use your best judgment and be friendly!

If you are not part of any of the above channels, or if you or a resident you know is not in the Slack group, please email tang-it-chair at mit.edu<mailto:tang-it-chair at mit.edu> with the email ID of the resident.

IT Chair, THRA
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