[Tang-Residents] FW: MIT Bike Auction to be held October 8

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Wed Sep 22 13:01:26 EDT 2021


Bike auction to be held October 8
On Friday, October 8, 2021, the MIT Police and the Parking & Transportation Office will hold a bicycle auction of used or abandoned bicycles, weather permitting.

  *   The auction will run from 12 noon to 2:30 PM at 290 Albany Street in Cambridge.
  *   The lot opens at 11:30 AM for an opportunity to preview the bicycles.
  *   A valid MIT ID is required to participate.
  *   Face masks are required for entry to the auction area and must be worn at all times.
Proceeds from the auction go toward campus bicycle initiatives, and payment is by credit card only. Note: There is a three-bike maximum purchase per individual.

For more information about the bicycle auction, contact our team at mitparking at mit.edu<mailto:mitparking at mit.edu>.


Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator
Parking and Transportation Office
195 Albany Street, NW23-060G
Cambridge, MA 02139
E: rcruz at mit.edu<mailto:rcruz at mit.edu>
T: 617-253-4754
C: 617-259-4847

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