[Tang-Residents] Fw: [westgate-forum] Please silence moped alarm

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Wed Nov 24 06:16:15 EST 2021

Dear Tang Residents:

If you own the moped pictured in the message below with the attached alarm, please dismantle the alarm because it has been going off throughout the night waking Westgate families.

Thank you,


Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


From: Edward Flemming
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 5:09 PM
To: tang-president
Cc: Dawn Anderson; Julian T Picard
Subject: Fwd: [westgate-forum] Please silence moped alarm

Hello Tang Neighbors,

Could you forward this request to the appropriate mailing list at Tang?


Edward Flemming
Head of House, Westgate
Associate Professor, Dept of Linguistics & Philosophy

From: Julian T Picard <jpicard at mit.edu<mailto:jpicard at mit.edu>>
Subject: [westgate-forum] Please silence moped alarm
Date: November 23, 2021 at 4:57:22 PM EST
To: westgate-forum <westgate-forum at mit.edu<mailto:westgate-forum at mit.edu>>

Hi all,

There is a moped parked between Tang and Westgate with a broken alarm that has been periodically sounding since yesterday evening, including through the night. I have attached photos of the moped and the alarm. Please remove the alarm so that it no longer sounds.

Thank you,

[cid:6641F7C3-CEC2-481D-B3FF-E9DC47524C55] [cid:61C852C4-7987-4131-B21B-9B91CDB1983B]
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