[Tang-Residents] FW: W85 playground - utility repair beginning 6/1

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Mon May 24 09:21:23 EDT 2021

Good morning,

Please see the PDF doc. for upcoming noise and disturbances.
The area in red is the target area for construction.

Thank you

From: verner at mit.edu <verner at mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM
To: Laurie Verner <verner at mit.edu>
Cc: Laurie Verner <verner at mit.edu>; Cori McKee <corimck at mit.edu>
Subject: W85 playground - utility repair beginning 6/1

Dear colleagues,

Please note that work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, June 1, to conduct utility repairs of a condensate line at the playground and outdoor garden area next to Building W85. Work is scheduled to take place on weekdays between 9AM – 5PM. This project is expected to continue through late June.

Crews will excavate the area to access the condensate line and make repairs. Moderate levels of machinery noise and increased truck traffic are anticipated. This work may extend depending on the progress made and conditions identified once the work is underway. A site fence will be placed to cordon off the area, and pedestrian access around the area will be maintained during this necessary repair work. Please be aware and use caution when traveling in the area. View the attached map of work for more information.

Questions may be directed to Cori McKee at corimck at mit.edu<mailto:corimck at mit.edu> or 617-866-8127.

Please share this information with individuals in your area who may be impacted by this work.


Laurie Verner
Communications Coordinator
MIT Department of Facilities

Visit the construction updates page of the Facilities site for information on this and other activities:
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