[Tang-Residents] Town Hall with Heads of House

Hari Bandi hbandi at mit.edu
Wed May 6 09:49:01 EDT 2020

Hi all,

As MIT is drafting a strategy to bring students back into graduate housing,
the Heads of House at Tang Hall would like to host a Town Hall to discuss
how these policies affect Tang residents and answer any questions you may

In preparation for this event, it'd be great if you could quickly go
through a DRAFT proposal I've attached and have your questions prepared.
The Town Hall is going to take place tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 pm ET, please
find details below:

Topic: Town Hall with Heads of House (Tang)
Time: May 7, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Password: 484259

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International Numbers: https://mit.zoom.us/u/acMBTvKv1q

Join by SIP
92686142117 at zoomcrc.com

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Please let me know if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Hari Bandi
Graduate Student
Operations Research Center
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