[Tang-Residents] Desk and operations Information

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Mar 16 06:02:46 EDT 2020

Hello All

I just wanted to check in with a couple changes we are making at the Tang Front Desk during this time due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Effective immediately for both Tang and Westgate Residents:

  *   A signature will no longer be required when picking up packages at the Tang Front Desk, but the desk will continue to log all packages that are picked up.
  *   Please pickup all packages at the same time if your delivery is 1+ boxes
  *   We will no longer be accepting packages for returns, please use an alternative method (US post office, FedEx, UPS) to send returns.

Approaches to living together:

  *   Please use the stairwell when possible rather than sharing the elevator at a time.
  *   Please do not use the laundry room simultaneously with others – leave enough distance between you and others.

Please keep up to date with important updates at MIT here:

MIT’s Response to COVID-19


For all of the latest information, visit http://web.mit.edu/covid19/.
Graduate Housing FAQ’s

Thank you

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Division of Student Life | Housing & Residential Services
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
550 Memorial Drive
Westgate Family Apartments
540 Memorial Drive
Cambridge Ma 02139
Office Tele. 617-253-5146

Repairs:  - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq

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