[Tang-Residents] ID cards to Expire 6/30/2020
Michael J Collins
collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Jun 22 13:36:43 EDT 2020
For those of you who graduated and are not moving out before 6/30 you need to get an Alumni Card from the Card Office. You need to apply for the card through the link before 6/26. Here is the instructions from the Card Office:
"Please have them submit a request to have their card mailed to their current address by logging into your MyCard account via
https://mycard.mit.edu<https://mycard.mit.edu/> and click on the "Request/Activate Card" menu item."
If you do not have an alumni card at that time, your original student card will be deactivated on 6/30 and will not work for accessing the building. If you get your alumni card, all clearances will transfer to the new card and will continue to work beyond this date until your contract with Housing ends.
You need to request your alumni ID before Friday, 6/26 .The Director of Security will pick them up and deliver them to Tang . Once received the Tang front desk will send you an email to pick up from the desk. The reason the Director will pick them up and deliver them is that once Card Services prints the new card, the old one is no longer active. Card Services prints all cards on Friday and this would mean the resident would have no access until the card arrived in the mail to the residence hall. Card Services is only open on Friday so even if you put the request in today, the card will not be ready until Friday.
Thank you,
Michael Collins
House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Division of Student Life | Housing & Residential Services
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
550 Memorial Drive
Westgate Family Apartments
540 Memorial Drive
Cambridge Ma 02139
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Repairs: - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq
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