[Tang-Residents] FW: Building W84 State Elevator Inspections 1/28/20 tomorrow

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Jan 27 07:13:15 EST 2020


Please expect elevator delays on Tuesday 1/28/2020

Unfortunately we do not have a start time but all 3 elevators will be out of service at one time.

Please see message below as their will be a delay is service to the elevators.

Unfortunately, the  Massachusetts Department of Public safety does not provide a specific time for their testing.
Building W84 State Elevator testing on Tuesday 1/28/2020

We apologize for the inconvenience and please try to plan accordingly.

Thank you

Subject: Building W84 State Elevator Inspections 1/28/20

Please be aware that on 1/28/20 the Massachusetts Department of Public safety will be performing inspections in building W84 on all elevators.  You may experience a brief interruption of elevator service during the inspection. If you need any additional information feel free to contact us in the Customer Service Center at 3-4948.Thank you,
Facilities Customer Service Centerdof-csc at mit.edu<mailto:Centerdof-csc at mit.edu>
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