[Tang-Residents] FW: IS&T Wireless Upgrade Project

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Wed Aug 26 12:39:44 EDT 2020

Just a follow up reminder of the upcoming WiFi upgrade for W84 Tang.
Please be aware on Friday August 28 and Saturday, August 29 from 9:00 am to approximately 6:00 pm,  IS&T will be visiting tang for an upgrade. They excel spread sheet will provide the areas we will be visiting.
All suite main doors in Tang will be posted but that does not mean we will be entering. (see Excel spread sheet on locations)
My Staff will provide access so you do not have to answer the door if you choose when they knock. No bedrooms have the device installed and we will not have to enter any bedrooms, COMMOM AREA ONLY.
If you have the device shown inside your suite, it will be changed. They will start from the top 24th floor and work down. I will be posting this notice on all doors so everyone is aware. Please do not remove the sign.

Thank you and please stay well.


From: Zachary Tsetsos
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 9:39 AM
To: rld-tang-hall <rld-tang-hall at mit.edu>
Cc: Michael J Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>; Dennis Collins <colins at mit.edu>
Subject: IS&T Wireless Upgrade Project

Dear Residents of Tang Hall,

As part of the ongoing modernization of MIT's network infrastructure, we are pleased to share that IS&T will be replacing wireless access points on campus with next-generation technology.

The installation of these new ‘wireless access points’ will occur in dozens of buildings across campus, including residence halls such as yours.  Below, please find information about the scheduled system upgrades including the scheduled date(s) of installation, the impact on connectivity, and the benefits of installation.

What are the benefits?

  *   The new access points will provide MIT with enhanced tools for optimizing and troubleshooting wireless network service driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Upgrade Schedule

  *   We anticipate that IS&T will be working within your residence hall on Friday August 28 and Saturday, August 29 from 9:00 am to approximately 6:00 pm.  Please note that these scheduled dates and times may shift by 1 to 2 days depending on the project’s progress.  IS&T will post each building's upgrade schedule and status on 3down.mit.edu<https://3down.mit.edu/> where you can also subscribe to notifications to receive all updates, or subscribe to a single project location for updates on its progress.

Will residents’ internet connectivity be impacted during the upgrade?

  *   The wireless network will remain available in every building during the upgrade, and users will see no change in their experience connecting to the network. Access points will be replaced on a rolling basis; sporadic brief disruptions are expected as individual devices are powered down and replaced. As each access point is powered down, user devices will automatically seek out and connect to the next nearest available access point.

 Adherence to COVID-19 Policies

  *    Contractors involved with the installation will follow all MIT policies and guidelines for working on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic<https://covid19.mit.edu/returning-to-work-on-campus>. This includes daily health attestations, use of face coverings, hand washing and hygiene and physical distancing.

What type of activity will take place during the upgrade?

  *   The replacement work will require installation of new wall brackets. Contractors will clean up any dust or debris that results from this work.  IS&T will need to access areas where the wireless access point devices (see photo attached) are located.  This may include several occupied residential rooms with these devices.  The replacement process takes approximately 10-15 minutes per device.

We hope this information is helpful.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.



Zachary S. Tsetsos
Communications Manager
Division of Student Life | Housing & Residential Services
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
201 Vassar Street (W59-200) Cambridge, MA 02139
Email: ztsetsos at mit.edu<mailto:ztsetsos at mit.edu> | Phone: (617) 253-0585
Pronouns: He/Him/His​
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