[Tang-Residents] Covid-19 testing and Tracking Experiment in Residence Halls

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Sun Apr 26 13:46:48 EDT 2020

Hello Tang Residents:

I received such good and immediate responses from you about the elevator project, I am seeking your feedback on couple of other dorm related matters:  MIT free covid testing availability and a proposed tracking research project in the residence halls.

Covid-19 testing

I recently learned that the testings numbers are not high as expected.  Curious to learn why, I asked a few students and they felt it was because people are unsure of the process, feared catching it at the testing site or unsure of what would happen if they are found to have it.   Allow me to briefly address these concerns:

1)  MIT medical is testing residents for free.  You will have access to multiple testing if needed.  You go in, they swab your nose (uncomfortable but bearable and quick), and will notify you with results or post it to your MIT medical online account within a couple of days.

This is part of a research project that is contributing to new knowledge so the more participants the better, not to mention, you are protecting your community by knowing whether or not you are an asymptomatic carrier.  Even with social distancing, this virus can still spread.  (By the way, I still have masks for residents)

2)  If you fear catching it at the testing sites, I observed when my family went, that it was very well thought out.  The line was spread out with markers to insure distance, the testing tent was outside with check-in stations spaced out so there were no gathered clusters.  Those who showed up wore masks so I felt very safe.  That was a few weeks ago.  I'm not sure if the set up has changed but I am sure MIT will continue to take every precaution to minimize risks.  It was like a very efficient, spread out drive-through.

3)  If you are found to be a carrier, you will simply have to self-quarantine.  You would make arrangements with MIT to have meals and other items delivered.  If you get ill, you will move to a residence hall up Amherst Alley where covid-19 patients will be cared for by medical staff.  Once cleared you'll return to Tang.

I hope this helps clear things up.  If there are other concerns, please let me know.  If I can't address them, I'll find someone who can.?

Research Project for Grad Residence Halls

By this being MIT, we have another opportunity to contribute to new knowledge by participating, as a dorm, to a project using mobile phones and strategically placed beacons around Tang, to track participants health.  I'm less able to articulate the details of this but I'm attaching a description of the project which is set to begin in other graduate dorms soon.  Please take a look and let me know if you have any concerns about bringing a project like this to Tang.

Thanks for your time, stay safe and remember (I can't believe I still have to say this) please no social gatherings in Tang right now.


Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


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