[Tang-Residents] REMINDER: Heavy wind and rain expected, report all leaks immediately

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Wed Oct 16 15:32:09 EDT 2019

Dear residents,

Heavy rain and wind are forecast Wednesday evening through Thursday. As some of you are aware, extreme weather conditions can result in water infiltration in some apartments and common spaces.

Please take a few minutes to make sure your windows are closed and locked, and check the windows in the common spaces closest to you. This will be a huge help in preventing leaks throughout the building.

REMINDER: If you notice any water leaks or wet spots in your apartment during the day, please report them immediately to your house manager. If it is after 4:00 pm, or a holiday or weekend, please call 617-253-1500 and someone will respond as soon as possible.

It is important to report leaks immediately so we can work to mitigate the damage.

Thank you for your help in reporting any issues so we can address them as quickly as possible.


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