[Tang-Residents] Bldg. W84-all, Normal power Shutdown Notification

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Wed Nov 6 06:02:07 EST 2019

A reminder for today.

On Nov 4, 2019, at 8:04 AM, Michael J Collins <collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>> wrote:

W84 Complete Power Shut Down.
Wednesday November 6, 2019
Time: 9am to 1pm


Please be aware and plan accordingly on Wednesday Nov 6th, starting at 9am the power to Tang Hall be down to install a new electric meter and the building will be operating only on the Backup generator services.

This means only life safety power will be available.

I would ask that you power down and unplug all electronics in your room and common area before the shutdown to avoid any power surge that may damage any electronic devices when the power is restored.

This shutdown will affect the elevators, heat, service to domestic water Hot and cold water, laundry services, and all internet service.

Only emergency lights will be operating

We apologize for the inconvenience

Type: Normal
Date: November 6, 2019
Day: Wednesday
Time: 9am to 1pm
Building(s): W84
Room(s): all
System: Normal power
Duration: 4 hours

install electric meters for W84
loss of all Normal power

We apologize for the inconvenience


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