[Tang-Residents] Attention Students Moving Out! (poster attached)

Ivan Sysoev isysoev at mit.edu
Wed Jun 5 21:04:38 EDT 2019

Hi Tang residents!

A follow-up to my previous email, with the forgotten recycling poster
finally attached.

Thank you!

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 9:01 PM Ivan Sysoev <isysoev at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Tang residents!
> If you are moving out and have furniture, electronics or other items that
> you don't need, *please DON'T dump them into recycling area*! Only the
> items listed in the attached poster can go there, and NOTHING ELSE!
> Everything else that is put there has to be removed either by the Recycling
> and Gardening Chair (a fellow student like you) or by facilities.
> So what to do with such items? One option is to *donate them* to
> Trash2Treasure program! It is a student-run program (by both Undergraduate
> Association and Graduate Students Council) that aims at preventing the
> waste of useful items during move-out period by collecting them and
> redistributing to incoming students in the Fall. The collection bins have
> been set up near the back entrance of Tang:
> You can donate *clothing & shoes, office supplies (including books),
> electronics, household appliances, bedding.*
> The program runs on *June 6th-15th* and *August 5th-15th*. *Students
> moving out on other dates, please consider donating your items in advance
> during those periods.*
> If you have *broken electronics*, please bring it to the collection box
> outside of the rear entrance of Tang, to the right.
> If you have questions, please write to tang-recycling-gardening at mit.edu
> Thank you!
> Ivan
> Outgoing Gardening & Recycling Chair
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