[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Please use caution: Tips for walking on/reporting icy surfaces
Dawn Anderson
colquitt at mit.edu
Wed Jan 23 10:59:36 EST 2019
FYI Tang residents.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: <molee at mit.edu>
> Subject: Please use caution: Tips for walking on/reporting icy surfaces
> Date: January 22, 2019 at 3:58:03 PM EST
> To: <molee at mit.edu>
> Cc: <molee at mit.edu>
> Dear colleagues,
> Please use caution when walking and driving around campus in our freezing conditions this week. Please share this information with individuals in your area.
> The Grounds Services personnel have been working diligently over the weekend and since early this morning to remove snow and treat icy walkways and surface areas. However, the freezing temperatures pose the challenge of refreezing treated surfaces. Please report areas that haven’t been treated and use caution as you navigate the area. Following are a few tips for reporting icy surfaces along with some tips for walking on ice.
> Report untreated icy spots to Grounds Services
> Visit the Atlas website and submit a Service Request <https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq>
> Call Grounds Services at 617-253-5001
> Use the MIT Mobile app and select the “Building Services” icon
> Report wet interior floor surfaces to Custodial Services
> Visit the Atlas website and submit a Service Request <https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq>
> Call Custodial Services at 617-253-7923
> Use the MIT Mobile app and select the “Building Services” icon
> How to safely walk on ice and snow
> https://ehs.mit.edu/site/workplace-safety/winter-safety
> Wear shoes or boots with slip-resistant soles, wide and low heels.
> Walk like a Penquin: keep knees slightly bent, take small steps or shuffle, hold your arms out from your sides (think penguin wings), stop periodically to reduce momentum.
> Watch for and avoid patches of black ice (which may be under the snow). Walk around icy areas - find an area with better traction.
> When entering a building, walk on the floor mats to absorb melting snow and avoid creating wet/slick surfaces.
> Walk around puddles on the floor and report wet floors to Custodial Services (call 617-253-7923 or visit Atlas Service Requests)
> Consider obtaining products to attach to your shoes to improve traction when walking on ice and snow such as STABILicers and ICEtrekkers. Warning: Remove these products before going inside so you don’t slip and fall on the tile floor.
> Regards,
> Monica
> Monica Lee
> Senior Communications Officer
> MIT Department of Facilities
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