[Tang-Residents] Got excess stuff? Donate to Trash2Treasure!

Matthew Frederick Allan mfallan at mit.edu
Fri Aug 16 09:47:29 EDT 2019

Hi Tang residents,

This is just a reminder that the Trash2Treasure program has ended as of Thursday night. Thank you to all who donated and to all who volunteered! Please do not give us any more donations, as we are no longer able to accept them.

Best regards,

On Aug 15, 2019, at 09:21, Matthew Frederick Allan <mfallan at mit.edu<mailto:mfallan at mit.edu>> wrote:

Hi Tang residents,

Just a reminder that the Trash2Treasure donation program ends at 7pm this evening. Thank you to all who have donated; we’ve received multiple boxes worth of clothes, bedding, electronics, books, and other materials!

If you’d like to volunteer at the last donation night at 7pm today, please email tang-recycling-gardening at mit.edu<mailto:tang-recycling-gardening at mit.edu>, or just show up. We hope to see you there!


On Aug 6, 2019, at 09:02, Matthew Frederick Allan <mfallan at mit.edu<mailto:mfallan at mit.edu>> wrote:

Hi Tang residents,

Trash2Treasure has begun again! If you have items in good to fair condition that you would like to give away, stop by the rear lobby of Tang between now and August 15 and place your items in one of the collection boxes.

Items you may donate include, but are not limited to:

  *   Clothing (new and used, except used underwear and socks)
  *   Shoes
  *   Bedding
  *   Electronics
  *   Office supplies
  *   Books and magazines
  *   Unopened, non-perishable food

Items we cannot accept include, but are not limited to:

  *   Used underwear and socks
  *   Used personal hygiene products
  *   Opened or perishable food
  *   Broken or badly worn items

Questions? Email tang-recycling-gardening at mit.edu<mailto:tang-recycling-gardening at mit.edu>.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Matthew Allan

Matthew Allan

Graduate Student
Computational and Systems Biology PhD Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Co-chair of Subcommittee on Public Outreach
MIT Graduate Student Council External Affairs Board
Chair of Recycling
Tang Hall Residents Association
he, him, his

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