[Tang-Residents] Welcome to Tang Hall
Michael J Collins
collinsm at mit.edu
Thu Sep 27 14:46:47 EDT 2018
Welcome to Tang Hall!
Hello Tang Hall Residents!
http://tang.mit.edu/ ................................... For Resources
For all of you who are new to the building, my name is Michael Collins and I am the House Operations Manager. I am committed to ensuring that you achieve your personal or academic goals while you reside within Tang Hall, and will continue to work an provide a clean, inviting, and safe environment.
If you have any maintenance concerns in your room or notice something in the building that needs to be addressed please use the online work order system:
Repairs - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq
Using this system guarantees that the request will be received. During evenings, weekends and holidays or in the case of a facilities emergency, please call 3-1500 and ask for Housing Unit 12.
Tang Hall has an in house staff composed of 1 Acme cleaner Naymer Dos Santos ,. He maintains common bathrooms 24th floor and lobby, hallways, and public areas.
1 interim maintenance mechanic George Carreiro.
Upcoming for the winter months, we will work to improve and maintain the living conditions in TANG HALL. As the colder evenings approach, please submit a work order now to have your air conditioner panel located beneath your windows winterized to stop cold air form entering.
Starting Oct.1st we will no longer be installing air conditioners as we now prepare for the cold weather.
Kitchen, bathroom and carpets will continue in W84 and residents will be notified in advance once we have a schedule in place.
Please help maintain a clean and healthy environment within your suite by working with your roommates.
Here are some fast facts about TANG HALL:
* Trash Chutes are located in the stairwell on the West side of the building near suits E and F.
* All hallways must be kept clear at all times.
* The back door card reader is programed for security hours for entry are 7am to 7pm. Please use the front door for access
* Your MIT ID card will allow you access. If your card is not programed, please send me an email collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu> for activation.
Closet doors must remain in your room, if it has been removed you must store it, keep it someplace in your room.
* Please do not hang anything from pipes or sprinkler heads in your room or the hallways.
* All recycle items should be brought down to the recycle bins located outside to the rear loading dock to your Left
* Room inspections will start sometime in October/November. Please look for email schedule soon.
* Heat will be turned on in Oct (request to facilities has already been made) as temperatures will be monitored. Please be aware the heat controlled by facilities and there are no individual thermostats.
Now is the time to open a SAP repair request to have you're a/c panel slot in your room winterized.
Repairs - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq
* No Pets allowed
* No smoking is allowed
* No burning of candles
Lock out Key at Desk:
Each resident will have a Lock out key located at the Tang Desk. A picture ID is required to check out the key. The key is to be returned within 1 hour or a late fee will be billed directly to your bursars account.
Overnight Guest Policy:
Please see the Tang Hall Home page.
If we have not had the opportunity to meet, feel to stop in my office, which is located across from the Tang Desk. My hours are 7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Friday. You can
reach me on x3-5146 or via e-mail, collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>.
Please visit
Michael Collins, House Operations Manager
Michael Collins
House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax 617-253-5094
Repairs: - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq
Website<http://studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining> Tumblr<http://mitreslifeanddining.tumblr.com/> MIT Connect<http://mitsha.re/reslifedining>
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