[Tang-Residents] Happening Now : Holiday Meal TODAY at 12:30pm 24th floor lounge

Krithika Ramchander krithira at mit.edu
Tue Dec 25 12:06:50 EST 2018

Hi all,

Merry Christmas!! We have lots of food in the 24th floor lounge! Please come up and grab some if you are around!


On 12/25/18, 6:19 AM, "tang-residents-bounces at mit.edu<mailto:tang-residents-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of Dawn Anderson" <tang-residents-bounces at mit.edu<mailto:tang-residents-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of colquitt at mit.edu<mailto:colquitt at mit.edu>> wrote:

Holiday Meal today!!!
Dawn Colquitt-Anderson
Head of House, Tang Hall

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


From: tang-social-bounces at mit.edu<mailto:tang-social-bounces at mit.edu> [tang-social-bounces at mit.edu<mailto:tang-social-bounces at mit.edu>] on behalf of Dawn Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 6:06 AM
To: tang-social
Subject: [Tang-Social] Holiday Meal TODAY at 12:30pm 24th floor lounge

Happy Holidays Tang Residents:

If you are not traveling tomorrow, please come by the 24th floor lounge to enjoy a holiday meal.
Help Tang’s grain initiative and bring your plates and utensils.

Happy Holidays,
The Anderson
[cid:E2EF18C4-5AEE-44E9-9B1D-2EC119199C0F at mit.edu<mailto:E2EF18C4-5AEE-44E9-9B1D-2EC119199C0F at mit.edu>]

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