[Tang-Residents] Managing noise in Tang

Krithika Ramchander krithira at mit.edu
Sun Dec 2 07:15:47 EST 2018

Dear Residents,

As we are currently in the midst of the exam season, I just wanted to send out a quick note about noise management in Tang.

Please note that the quiet hours are from 11 pm to 7 am during Sunday to Thursday and 1 am to 7 am on Friday and Saturday. As the walls in the apartments are quite thin, please be mindful that any noise might affect your neighbors/roommates.

In case you are facing any noise related issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your floor coordinators (whom you might have met during your floor socials) or to THRA (tang-government at mit.edu).

In addition, if are hosting social gatherings in the 24th floor lounge, please remember that alcohol is not permitted in this area as per policy. Also note that you should keep noise levels low past 11 pm in the lounge.

Krithika Ramchander
President, Tang Hall Residents’ Association
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