[Tang-Residents] Tang Exercise room closed for renovations

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Fri Oct 13 08:58:54 EDT 2017

The exercise room renovations is now completed for you to enjoy if you have access.
A Fresh coat of paint throughout, new flooring installed and 6 new ceiling fans to help circulation.

Here is the link to those who would like access:

Thank you

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax   617-253-5094


Repairs:  - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq


Website<http://studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining>       Tumblr<http://mitreslifeanddining.tumblr.com/>       MIT Connect<http://mitsha.re/reslifedining>

From: Michael J Collins
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:01 PM
To: Tang Hall Residents (tang-residents at mit.edu<mailto:tang-residents at mit.edu>) <tang-residents at mit.edu<mailto:tang-residents at mit.edu>>
Subject: Tang Exercise room closed for renovations
Importance: High


Please be aware, starting Monday Oct 2nd through Oct 16th the exercise room will be closed for renovation.

The area will be receiving a fresh coat of paint and also new flooring will be installed.

We apologize for the inconvenience and if work is completed ahead of schedule we will reopen and a notice will be sent out.

Thank you.

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax   617-253-5094


Repairs:  - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq


Website<http://studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining>       Tumblr<http://mitreslifeanddining.tumblr.com/>       MIT Connect<http://mitsha.re/reslifedining>

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