[Tang-Residents] Facilities Barcoding Project in All Rooms June 12 - 15
Michael J Collins
collinsm at mit.edu
Wed May 31 07:21:52 EDT 2017
Please be aware starting June 12, the Department of Facilities is scheduled to barcode the equipment they maintain in W84 and W85. This will include mechanical, electrical, and building systems equipment. This will also include fire extinguishers. The barcodes will be used to manage equipment for our maintenance program. This work is scheduled to take place 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM daily but workers may have to visit a couple of rooms between 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day. This project is expected to be completed by June 15.
During the barcoding process, one of three facilities inspectors along with myself or another Housing staff may have to briefly enter a room containing equipment, including student rooms. The barcoding of the equipment should take less than 10 minutes in each space. No construction activity will occur. All inspectors will prominently display their MIT ID and Housing staff will accompany them.
Questions about this work may be directed to Taylor Phelps at tphelps at mit.edu<mailto:tphelps at mit.edu> or 617-258-0496.
This is a campus-wide project and we want to thank you for your patience while we complete this work.
Dennis Collins
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