[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Timely Warning: Burglary at FSILG
Dawn Anderson
colquitt at mit.edu
Tue Jun 13 15:54:18 EDT 2017
Hello Tang Hall Residents:
I’m following the message below with a few tips because FSILG’s are not the only student residences that are vulnerable. This is the time of year where all campuses experience a rise in theft as residents move in and out, so please be vigilant when it comes to security. That means the following:
1) Lock your apartment doors ALWAYS
2) Beware of tail gaiters, people who are waiting to enter Tang after you open it with your ID
3) Know who the maintenance crew are (uniform, colors, lobby photo, etc…)
4) When moving in or out, or hosting an outdoor event, do not keep the back door open
5) If you see something, say something (if you notice someone lingering or checking multiple doors, please report)
Michael Collins is the house manager at collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>. Larry Anderson at landerso at mit.edu<mailto:landerso at mit.edu> and Dawn Anderson at colquitt at mit.edu<mailto:colquitt at mit.edu> are Heads of House.
There will be occasional venders or maintenance crew coming in for special repairs but if something or someone looks off, please report.
Thank you,
Begin forwarded message:
From: Andrew J Turco <aturco at mit.edu<mailto:aturco at mit.edu>>
Subject: Timely Warning: Burglary at FSILG
Date: June 13, 2017 at 3:27:15 PM EDT
To: all-campus <all-campus at mit.edu<mailto:all-campus at mit.edu>>
Timely Warning
Breaking & Entering in the Daytime for a Felony
June 13, 2017
Incident: On June 12, 2017 a resident of LCA fraternity reported that on the morning of June 11, 2017 he encountered a disheveled-looking man sleeping on a couch on the second floor of the residence. Subsequently the resident discovered numerous items missing.
Summary: On June 11, 2017 a resident of the LCA fraternity, located at 99 Bay State Road, was searching the third floor of the house for his backpack. About an hour later, he proceeded to the second floor, where he encountered an intruder sleeping on a couch. The resident did not recognize the intruder.
Approximately one hour later, the intruder awoke and departed from the residence carrying a different backpack than the one that belonged to the resident. At this time, over $1,500 in property is missing from the house.
Suspect Description: The possible suspect is a 45-55 year old, white male with dirty blond hair. He wore a white checked shirt and khaki cargo pants.
Suggestions: In order to protect yourself and your belongings from theft and/or facilitate the recovery of your stolen property, MIT Police encourage you to follow these tips:
• ALWAYS lock your doors and windows.
• Please don’t prop doors open and report tailgaters.
• If your residence has an alarm system, make sure it is utilized properly and kept in good working order.
• Document serial numbers of all electronics and take pictures of all valuables. Keep this in a safe place to provide to the police in the event you are burglarized.
• Be watchful: See Something = Say Something
• Immediately notify the MIT Police at 617-253-1212 or 100 from any campus phone if you believe a crime is occurring, has occurred, or is about to occur.
The MIT Police want to remind the MIT community that we are located in an urban setting and share many of the crime and safety issues that exist in any city. The MIT Police are investigating this crime and request the assistance from the MIT community. If you wish to leave an anonymous tip please call 617-258-TIPS (8-8477)
Issued by:
Sgt. Andrew Turco <mailto:aturco at mit.edu>
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