[Tang-Residents] THRA monthly meeting tonight at 8:45 PM

Parnika Agrawal parnika at mit.edu
Mon Jan 9 17:35:42 EST 2017

Dear residents,

The Tang Hall Residents' Association serves Tang residents on all matters pertaining to their general welfare. Every month, we meet to discuss policy matters and plan dorm-wide social events. I'd like to welcome you to our first meeting of 2017 which will be held tonight at 8:45 PM in the 24th floor lounge. The agenda is as follows:

  1.  Review of December socials + Planning for upcoming socials  + Submission of post-event reports (Social Chairs)
  2.  Financial updates (Treasurer)
  3.  Posters on waste segregation (Recycling Chair)
  4.  Updates on purchases, maintenance and upkeep (Dorm coordinators, Purchasing and Maintenance Chair)
  5.  IAP Sports (Sports Chairs)
  6.  THRA memorabilia  for guest speakers (Publicity Chairs)
  7.  360 degree review within THRA (President)
  8.  THRA mid-year excursion - decide time and venue (all)
If you have any ideas for us to discuss, you can submit an agenda item here<http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/submit-thra-agenda-item/>. You are also welcome to join us in the meeting.

Parnika Agrawal
President, Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)

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