[Tang-Residents] W84 Exercise room Temporally closed Saturday 5/6 from 6am to 6pm.

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Wed Apr 26 13:11:22 EDT 2017


Please be aware the exercise room in the subbasement will be closed for contractors  to repair leaking pipes overhead in both areas.
On Saturday 5/6/17 morning from 6am to 6pm the exercise room will be closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Michael Collins

From: Michael J Collins
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 12:05 PM
To: Tang Hall Residents (tang-residents at mit.edu) <tang-residents at mit.edu>
Subject: W84 Exercise room Temporally closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Importance: High


Please be aware the exercise room in the subbasement will be closed for contractors  to repair leaking pipes overhead in both areas.
Starting Friday afternoon 3/24 3pm and over the weekend. Monday morning 8am will reopen.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax   617-253-5094


Repairs:  - https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=home&sub=group_servreq


Website<http://studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining>       Tumblr<http://mitreslifeanddining.tumblr.com/>       MIT Connect<http://mitsha.re/reslifedining>

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